Friday, January 14, 2011

Something different

I suppose my blog has been the same for quite some time now and, as much as I would love to get it redone in a professional manner, a quick change is for the best. To be honest the main reason if changed the layout is because my Raptr widget would not fit onto the old layour and it would not let me alter the page width either (weird).

So here we are.

Now that I've changed the layout once, I'll probably do it a whole bunch of times just until I find something I like. I also want a nice header for the top of the page but I'd probably have to find someone to help me out with such things as my computer art skills are sadly lacking.

Still I have finally put paid to Borderlands after 101 hours of toil, and now I'm back onto the joys of Planet 51. Some kids games are a joy to behold but this one does not fall into that particular category - instead it is a mind numbing crawl to completion that makes you suffer every step of the way. Thankfully I'm nearly done with it and I may well go back to playing Fallout New Vegas in a bid to get that bad boy done and dusted. It would be a good start to the year if I could chalk up a couple of the RPG's on my tag.

The rest of the stuff I've already started is a mixture of things I'll never complete (because I suck) or things I could easily polish off with a bit of effort. Though my to do list of untouched games is positively frightening. I'll have to take a picture of the horror.

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