Thursday, January 27, 2011

Open world gaming

I'm currently dabbling with Halo ODST, and found the set up of the game to be quite interesting. You play the new squad recruit and as you wander the almost abandoned city you stumble across clues about your teams whereabouts, which in turn lead to standalone missions in a flashback stylee.

You can take on some of the missions in whatever order you like, or you could just wander the city and search for collectibles while pummeling the Covenant you come across. It is obviously exploration-lite, but it got me thinking why there hadn't been a full blown attempt at an open world FPS. The idea makes sense and games like Oblivion and Fallout (though both are primarily RPG led) show that it is easily possible.

On a personal level I cannot say whether or not the idea would appeal to me - as I'm notoriously shy about playing open world games. I really just cannot get into them, I've bought the last three games in the GTA series and, after about an hours play on each, they have been consigned to gathered dust in short order. I actully didn't bother buying Red Dead either, as I knew I wouldn't get around to playing it and strangely I don't regret that decision one bit.

Maybe I just need one special game that will draw me into the whole open world set up, but I can't see that happening any time soon.

Anyway, Halo is done with but the inevitable trawl for collectibles begins. I've managed to find 28/29 of them in the city but have no idea which one I've missed, so the thought of going over the locations one by one is not something I'm looking forward to. Still it needs to be done, if only for my sanity.

I'm also within touching distance of the last boss on FFXIII, so I'll be getting that bad boy done this week too. Though that will only really be the beginning of my time with the game as I still need to get all of the weapons/accessories and level everyone up. What joy.

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