Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Whatever comes along really.........

I can never seem to stay focused on just one thing at a time. Just as I seemed to be romping through NBA Ballers (one of the worst basketball games of all time) a few other games have leapt up and caught my eye. Like a thieving magpie I'm attracted to glittery objects and the latest game craze - but this time it is not my fault.

First of all, my GF officially said we could start playing Beautiful Katamari again. It is one of the games that she will not let me play unless she can play too, so we have been playing it together for the past few days and getting plenty of things done. I think she will stick with me until we get 100% on the collection and find all of the Cousins and Presents. Then I reckon that I will be left to my own devices to rack up the 50/100 hours played and 100/200 requests completed. As those kinds of tasks bore her. It is an added bonus in terms of points towards my completion percentage.

Next up, my good friend Rich went and dangled the carrot of some Rainbow Six Vegas boosting. He now owns multiple 360's and two copies of the game, so we have been setting up a dedicated server over the last couple of nights to boost that stuff. It would be nice to 1k the game as it is one of the tough MP games I never thought I would get done. With that, COD3 and Army of Two out of the way that leaves only one longwinded bad boy on my tag - GOW. Whether I'm ready to boost that shit is another matter, as I was put off the MP long ago by the sheer idiocy of some of the players. Not to mention the fact I have over 100 revives, headshots and sniper kills but no achievements - which was annoying to say the least. Now that I'm going for Elite on Vegas I also have to finish off the co-op stuff, so I have been doing the terrorist hunts on splitscreen and will go back and play through the story in the same way.

Finally, I spotted Cru playing HAWX which I have yet to finish so asked her if she wanted to do some MP together. Ideally we would need one more in order to get a few things done but it shouldn't be a problem. We are still intending to do Damnation too, but I think we are both put off by the sheer badness of the game, ha ha!

So from playing one game (Ballers) I now have a lot more on my plate but, crucially, they are all games I have already started so will all chip away at my goal of 90% completion.

On a more shameful note, I now have Fallout 3 on the PC. I could get all of the points from it in a matter of minutes but remain amazingly torn. A lot of people have done it already but it DOES look dubious on your card to anyone not in the know - and who knows when MS will crack down on such things. I may dwell on it awhile and see how I'm feeling.


JJBDude said...

I played Beautiful Katamari and loved it. I missed out plenty of achievements though and I too have a gf that likes to game with me, might re-rent it and play with her.

ThrawnOmega said...

Just say NO to instant Fallout points.