Friday, April 15, 2011

Pot as many balls as you can..........

Yes, I've been bashing some balls around......let me rephrase that.

Yes, I've been playing with my cue.......hang on.

Yes, I've had a Snooker title to review, better. To be honest it has been quite a lot of fun as well. It is nice and relaxing to play a game that relies on tactics and patience rather than balls to the wall action for once. Obviously it is not a title that is for everyone but for those with even the slightest interest in snooker or pool then I would heartily recommend it. Hopefully I can put in the time required to finish it off, and then I can go back to Snooker 2007 and finish that as well. Doh!

Still my OCD tendencies aside what else have I been up to? Oh yeah, even more OCD issues. I swear that some kind of medication may well cure me but until that day I will continue to chip away at all of those games that I foolishly threw onto my gamercard at one point or another.

Beautiful Katamari was first up and the main concern there is the need for 100 hours played. I seemd to get to 50 hours pretty quickly and Raptr claims that I've clocked 55 hours played recently (which didn't include all of my previous time spent) so I must be there or thereabouts. Hopefully this weekend will finish it off but it has been nice to dip back into the zany world of the King of all Cosmos. The random one liners, and stupid put downs are just the best of all time.

I also finished up Command and Conquer: Kane's Wrath. Well I finished off the story, and all the skirmish achievements to boot, but now I have to plough through Kane's Challenge with each bloody faction. Which is ten levels times by nine (ever so slightly different) groups. Oh joy. Whoever was the brain child behind that little set of tasks will feel my wrath one day, but for now I'll just plug away at it when I have a chance.

In fact the only thing I have managed to finish was The Club which proved to be fairly straightforward if truth be told. It was nice to get rid of one of the games I've had sat around for so long, and I may well have to dig out some other simple stuff and get them out of the door too.

In other news I think that I will try to aim for 250k before Gamescom (assuming I end up going this year) as that would be a nice little milestone to get done. Right about now 300k is looking like it is a long way off, but to be honest I don't have too many designs on rushing to meet it.

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