World Snooker Championship 2007 - Roadmap

- Estimated achievement difficulty: 8/10
- Offline: 50 [1000]
- Online: 0
- Approximate amount of time to 1000: 150+ hours
- Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 9 [three for each season type]
- Number of missable achievements: None!
- Glitched achievements: None!
- Do cheat codes disable achievements?: No!

Anyone could get maximum points on this game but it requires a major investment of time and effort not to mention a lot of saving and reloading of matches that fail to go your way. A lot of the events are also locked until you get to a certain point in your career.

World Snooker Championship 2007 is a tough slog in order to get maximum points and the computer players will often win games in a single visit which means you should save often. I would recommend that you turn off auto-save in the options menu and then, when you hit the winning shot, quickly pause the game and turn it back on (then turn it off again after the save). This will save your progress and mean you can quit the game at any point and continue from when you last saved. If you look like you're losing a game you need to win then just quit back to the dashboard and go back into the game – you can then continue from when you saved or (if you haven’t saved during that match) start afresh with no penalty.

There is also a cheat that will give you unlimited points to boost your player’s statistics. When you are loading your progress quickly press  and , you should hear a noise and then you can go to the statistics screen and max everything out. This makes finding position, applying spin and potting a lot easier so I would recommend it.

MOST IMPORTANT: You can only take part in EITHER a snooker or pool career and not both of them at once. Do NOT start a different career until you have got every achievement you need in your current career – if you do so then you will have to start from scratch and regain your ranking.

Step #1: Pool Career Playthrough
Create a player and make your way through the season, change the length to minimum in the menus so you play less frames per match. Use the stats cheat to get maximum points and use the save and reload technique to make sure you win every single game. Along the way you should endeavor to pick up all of the potting achievements as you will have more than enough matches to do so. If you win every event then you should get the Top 48 and Top 32 ranking achievements. Now you’ll have to play through a second season and again win every available event in order to get a Top 16 ranking. Once you’ve got that achievement you will need a further season in order to play in all of the events you previously didn’t qualify for. Make sure during the World Pool League that you win both frames – as you can draw these matches and doing so will result in you instantly losing the event. At the end of this season you should have now won every single Pool achievement. So you can switch to Snooker.

Step #2: Snooker Career Playthrough
Follow the same steps as the pool league and win every event in order to increase your ranking enough to enter, and win, the locked tournaments. This will take at least three seasons and you should work on getting all the break building achievements while you play. Careful positioning should make even the 147 break a fairly easy task by now.

Step #3: Extra events and Hybrid
Once you have completed the snooker and pool seasons and unlocked everything possible you will have made the Golden Cue and Trickshot tournaments available in the main menu. So go and complete these events which will leave you with everything done EXCEPT for All Championships Unlocked. Now you will need to start a Hybrid season and get a Top 16 ranking in order to unlock the final achievement. This event sees you picking between snooker and pool events and getting a separate rank for each. You only need one of them to reach Top 16 so I would suggest concentrating on either snooker OR pool rather than a mix. This way you will get the rank required a lot sooner. It will still take three seasons mind you.

This is one of the toughest games to max out on the 360 because the events can take an extremely long amount of time and the skill of the computer can lead to you having to reload fairly often. You will have to play through a Snooker, Pool and Hybrid season a minimum of three times each to get maximum points. I wish you the best of luck.

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