Turning Point - Roadmap

- Estimated achievement difficulty: 5/10
- Offline: [740]
- Online: [260 ]
- Approximate amount of time to 1000: 30+ Hrs.
- Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1 [plus last level twice]
- Number of missable achievements: 0 [Mission Select]
- Do cheat codes disable achievements? No, see Introduction.
- Does difficulty affect achievements? Yes
- Glitchy achievements: Yes, see Introduction.
- Unobtainable achievements: None
- Extra equipment needed? No

Welcome, to another fairly easy shooter. Only 1 playthrough is needed even though the difficulties do not stack, because you can replay the last level on Hard and Insane for the achievements, or create a backup save and just do the very last checkpoint - depending on how much effort you want to put in.

There are 3 potentially glitchy achievements to be aware of. The first two are multiplayer achievements “Uberdork” and “Team Player” which may unlock before the required amount of wins, though some people do have to play the correct amount in order for them to pop. The other is “Master Sniper” which seems to unlock for most people on Easy (rather than Normal). Try and ensure you do NOT miss a single shot and if it doesn't unlock when you attempt it, then load up Level 3 (when you get the Gewehr) or 6 on Easy and try there.

There are also cheats that unlock after you beat the game. Use these for replaying the last level on hard and Insane as they do not disable achievements. Go to the Extras menu after beating the game and you can turn on Infinite Ammo/Grenades and improved health regeneration.

Step 1: Normal Playthrough
This is where you will be getting a majority of the achievements, so make your way through the campaign. Take note that you will need to sprint for 30 minutes throughout the campaign for the “Run!” achievement.

Level 1 - When you see your first enemy walk up to him and press  to grapple him, then press  to throw him to his death unlocking “Gravity is a Harsh Mistress”. You will make your way to an outdoor lift, activate it and look right. You should see 4 paratroopers kill them to unlock “Sharpshooter” be aware that one of them starts slightly below the lift so be sure to look down and kill him first. Also, try and take your time with shots and maintain a high accuracy to snag "Dead-eye" though this can be done on any level, but this one is the easiest. At the end of this level you'll unlock "Reservation for One".

Level 2- During this level you will be trying to get the “Exploding Monkey” achievement. Keep tossing grenades over the barricades in hope that you kill 4 enemies with one grenade. You will also get "Defender" at the end.

Level 3 - Is the best place to get "Clingy". Use  to grapple the first enemy and the grapple every enemy you come across until the achievement pops. DO NOT shoot an enemy of the counter will reset. End of the level will net you "Save Yourself".

Level 4 - You'll unlock "Need a Ride?" and "I saved the General" through natural progression.

Level 5 - On this level you will come to a kitchen where a enemy is standing in front of a television. Walk up to him and press  to grapple him and press  to smash his head through unlocking “TV Repair”. Also on this level you will come to a room where an enemy is burning paper in a furnace. Kill him and look next to him, you should see stacks of paper. There is a book you can pick up with , unlocking “Dolley Madison Award”. Do this BEFORE heading up the dumbwaiter or you will have to restart the level. End of the level will net you "Impeached".

Level 6 - Right at the start of this level in front of you will be a sniper. Pick it up and start going for headshots with it to unlock “Master Sniper”. This achievement may or may not unlock the first time. To be safe make sure not to miss any shots - if it fails to pop then you can try again here or on Level 3, when you get the Gewehr, via Mission Select on Easy. You will come to a room, with a secret elevator in it. Take the elevator down and when you come out make a left and kill the enemies. Near where you killed the enemies will be a door open it and inside will be a Nazi sitting on the toilet. Grapple him with  and dunk him, by pressing , unlocking “Swirley Time”. End of the level will get you "Going Nuclear".

Level 7 - During this mission pick up and save as many rocket launchers as you can. At some point you will get to a part with an elevator. After you exit the elevator you will be on a bridge, and if you look to your right you should see two assault blimps. Take both of these blimps down to unlock “Oh, the Humanity!”. Sneak onto the Zeppelin to get "Stowaway" and then complete the game to get "Turning Point" and "Presidential Medal for Merit" (Normal difficulty).

Step 2: Hard/Insane
You now have two choices to make your life easier without playing the game twice more.

1) Now that you have beaten the game once its time to replay the last level on Hard and Insane. Go to the extras menu and activate the cheats Infinite Ammo, Infinite Grenades, and Double Health Regen. Change the difficulty, go to Mission Select and finish the last level twice more to unlock "Presidential Medal for Freedom" and "Presidential Citizens Medal".

2) Alternatively you can just do the last checkpoint twice more (killing a mere five or so enemies). Once you've completed the game on Normal go to the dashboard, Storage Settings and copy your save data onto USB drive or into cloud storage.

Load the game back up, go to options and select your "Storage Device" as the Hard Drive (if it doesn't ask you automatically, then check this is the selection) and continue the last chapter/level choosing your difficulty as either Hard/Insane. Once it starts quit the game and go to the in game options, now select "Storage Device" again and choose the other location you moved your save to (either USB or Cloud).

Go back to the Campaign and choose to Continue. Now the last checkpoint will be loaded and you need to kill a few people and finish the game for the achievement depending on which difficulty you selected. This is actually faster than it sounds and saves you the trouble of even redoing the whole of the last level.

Step 3: Mop Up
By now you should have almost all the single-player achievements. The ones that you may be missing if they didn't unlock as listed are: “Clingy”, “Dead-eye”, “Run!” and "Master Sniper”. Refer to the achievement guide below for more assistance. You should have snagged all the relevant kill achievements as you progressed for "One Man Army", "Combat Veteran", "Combat Experience" and "Environmentalism" (use the grapple on enemies for this last one) as there are far more than the 400 required enemies to take out.

Step 4: Multiplayer
This is where most of the time comes in. You will need 8 players for two achievements, “MVP” and “pwnt” - so have each player take it in turns to get the highest score and number of kills. Also, keep track of the maps and mode you play them on for later. After your first game you will also get "First Time for Everything". Assuming each person chosen to win doesn't die they can also get "Stayin' Alive" (make sure you're in a ranked match) and if you kill one other player with the last bullet from a pistol (headshot) you will get "One in the Chamber".

You need at least 4 people for “Team Player” and “World Tour” as you can only play team games with at least four people, so be sure to play every team game on a each map and aim to win 20 team games (though this often takes far fewer). Then you can play every other mode/map with just two players (assuming World Tour doesn't unlock early which it has a habit of doing).

All the kill based multiplayer achievements can be gained with just 2 players. Choose a small map like Lab Rat and trade kills. If you haven't already you can also get any of the other misc. online achievements such as "Next Time Take the Stairs" - start on the ghetto map and look for a building with a cab outside, climb to the top and jump off. You need a total of 2,500 kills to get "Maybe I should go Outside" and snag "Killer" and "Killer Instinct" along the way.

This game is a pretty simple completion, assuming you can find 8 people to help with two online achievements as the servers are deserted. After that you can just pair up to trade kills and you'll be done in no time. The campaign is also straightforward barring one glitchy achievement that shouldn't be too tricky to get if you keep at it, and a nice shortcut for completing all difficulties. Overall a reasonably easy 1000g.

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