Star Trek Legacy - Roadmap

- Estimated achievement difficulty: 5/10
- Offline: 30 [875 ]
- Online: 6 [125 ]
- Approximate amount of time to 1000g: 25-30 hours
- Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 3
- Number of missable achievements: None!
- Glitched achievements: No
- Do cheat codes disable achievements?: No cheats

This game is actually fairly routine. A lot of people are put off by the fact the difficulty achievements do not stack, so you will need to play through the game at least three times. However, the difficulty is not actually that much of an issue unless you are on the Admiral setting, so the other run-throughs are a breeze. The online aspect is also remarkably easy to boost.

Star Trek Legacy is basically a cross between a very basic RTS game with elements of flight simulation. Do not be put off if that sounds confusing as the game is actually amazingly simple to pick up and play. The toughest aspect of this game is the Admiral difficulty, but once that is out of the way you should not have any further trouble. No one plays the online mode anymore so you WILL need at least one other person to boost with. The 1000  should be a matter of time rather than skill though.

BE AWARE: Certain missions have multiple achievements depending on your approach. If you want them all in one play-through then complete the mission, wait for the achievement you went for to pop and then select Replay mission to go for the other one. If you continue instead of replaying the mission then you will have to go for the mission specific achievements on another play-through as there is no mission select.

Step #1: Play-through Ensign difficulty
Go to the settings and change the difficulty. Use this playthrough to get all of the mission specific achievements. If any of your ships get in trouble, then just warp them across the map to repair them ASAP. Tailor your approach to the achievement requirements on each level and you should have very few problems. Remember to replay missions with multiple achievements or you will need a fresh play-through to get them. Be sure to keep hold of an Enterprise era ship too, so that you can deploy it later on during the Next Generation missions. Try and save your command points, as you will need enough to buy four Legacy ships for the USS Legacy achievement, but this should not be too much of a problem.

Step #2: Play-through Captain and Admiral difficulties
The same as Ensign but your ships can take a lot less punishment and will dish less out. Just focus on completing the missions as fast as you can and try not to get embroiled in any firefights in which you are outnumbered. On Admiral you will probably struggle to get enough command points for a large amount of good ships, so try to pick one or two good ones and back them up with a couple of decent support craft. Hit and run tactics are the way to go here – destroy one or two ships, then warp your fleet away to repair and repeat the process.

Step #3: Online
A boosting partner is a must here, as without one it will be almost impossible to find a match. You can find a boosting partner in the forums. You actually need four players to start a match, but the other two can be A.I. controlled, so you do not need to worry about finding more people. Set up a match so that the second player and the A.I. players are all of the fleet type you need for the achievement, then make sure they choose all of the weakest ships they can. Then, just destroy as many as you need, quit the match and restart with different ships. Simple as that. For the red shirt award - just let your ships be killed off first. It should take you less than an hour to get them all done.

The single player can be fairly tough on Admiral mode, but the other difficulties are fairly straightforward and can be rushed through in a few hours each. Online is also an extremely easy matter and can be knocked over in a couple of hours, assuming both players need the points. Overall this game is a bog standard 1000  points that can be done in a few days if you have the perseverance and an online buddy.

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