Defiance Arkbreaker DLC - Guide

DLC: Arkbreaker

 Acupuncture 15g
Complete the "Stim Connoisseur" pursuit

You need to equip and use a blue rarity stim of EVERY type. You will firstly need to complete to DLC story and Combat Tech side missions, which tells you how to use them. After that these items are regularly dropped by enemies in combat or, to make it even easier, you can buy them from the Eastshore Docks vendor for 4,525 scrip and 10 Paradise Rep each. Paradise Rep is generally earned through co-op missions and scrip can easily be farmed by doing the challenges on the map.

 Spike in the Vein 15g
Complete the "Spike Driver" pursuit

You need to equip and use a blue rarity spike of EVERY type. You will firstly need to complete to DLC story and Combat Tech side missions, which tells you how to use them. After that these items are regularly dropped by enemies in combat or, to make it even easier, you can buy them from the Eastshore Docks vendor for 4,525 scrip and 10 Paradise Rep each. Paradise Rep is generally earned through co-op missions and scrip can easily be farmed by doing the challenges on the map.

 On Demand 15g
Assemble an ark spike

Start the main DLC story from the large orange exclamation point just above Bloodbath Turnout. Simply follow this questline until you end up having to plant a spike on Golden Gate Bridge. After that you will be able to use your own ark spikes and your achievement will unlock.

 We have the technology… 15g
Complete the Combat Tech missions

After completing the main story, a side mission called Combat Tech will appear near Bloodbath Turnout. Simply follow the instructions to find a stim and complete the mission. Then Combat Tech part 2 will appear near Shondlu's Consolate - complete this as well to get access to spikes and to snag the achievement. Both are simple quests that are merely Point A to Point B along with killing a few enemies.

 Master of War 25g
Kill the Volge Warmaster

The hardest achievement in the DLC. You first need to complete the story to be able to summon arkfalls and then you can look at your map for small red markers indicating a potential Major arkfall site. Go there and use your spikes to summon/help to summon the arkfall. Other players should help out but you get one spike a day and can buy more for 10,000 scrip from vendors.

Once summoned you will need to defeat waves of foes outside the arkfall, and then some more Volge inside. After that you will drop down to face the Warmaster. Most of the regular players have gotten pretty good at beating him nearly every time, and thanks to a recent patch with the 7th Legion DLC, everyone in the room when he dies will get the achievement (assuming you did some damage). However, he seems to have been buffed even more and takes serious amounts of damage so if you don't have a full crew that know what they are doing then this could take a few tries. Here is a great guide to taking him down:

 They formed a union? 50g
Be in a clan that reaches rank 10 in the Arkfalls activity

You either need to level up a clan to level 10 or you can simply join a clan that is already at level ten in order to instantly unlock this achievement. The latter is preferable as levelling up clans takes millions of XP (level 9-10 is 18.8 million alone), so search for larger clans with plenty of active members and ask to join. If you are going for this on your own or as part of a clan, then be aware that XP earned from calling down arkbreaker arkfalls DOES NOT count towards this - as that has a separate activity - so only focus on regular arkfalls that are on your map, you will earn varying XP whether you took part for part or all of an arkfall. Good clans to join (if they let you) are Freemasons in the US or Nuclear Rubber in the EU.

 Bloody Mess 50g
Be in a clan that reaches rank 10 in the Competitive Multiplayer activity

You either need to level up a clan to level 10 or you can simply join a clan that is already at level ten in order to instantly unlock this achievement. The latter is preferable as levelling up clans takes millions of XP (level 9-10 is 18.8 million alone), so search for larger clans with plenty of active members and ask to join. If you are going for this on your own or as part of a clan, then be aware that XP earned from Shadow Wars DOES NOT count towards this so only focus on regular PvP. Good clans to join (if they let you) are Freemasons in the US or Nuclear Rubber in the EU.

 Ark-Rival 15g
Kill a Volge Huntmaster

Huntmasters sometimes appear as the final enemy when you call down a minor arkfall (you may have to call a few down before one shows up) and you can only do this once you have finished the DLC quest. Try and find a remote spot where you can use an ark spike to summon a minor arkfall (you get one spike everyday, check the online store for a free daily reward, plus you can buy more for 10,000 scrip at vendors). Battle through the waves and then take this guy out. He is pretty weak and doesn't require a specific strategy, but make sure you get the kill shot.

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