Call of Duty: World at War - Roadmap

-Estimated achievement difficulty: 6/10
-Approximate amount of time to 1000: 25-35 hours
-Offline: 61 (1415)
-Online: 5 (85)
-Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
-Number of missable achievements: None!
-Glitched achievements: None!
-Do cheat codes disable achievements?: No Cheats

Call of Duty: World at War is the latest in the series and has a total of 66 achievements, however, two of these are for zero points. Only the hardcore need apply for those as they are acquired through the online prestige system. For those merely interested in 1500 you should be able to acquire it with a bit of effort.

To get the extra 500, you will need to download Map Pack 2 and Map Pack 3 from the marketplace.

Step #1: Play through on Veteran
There is no point completing the game on any other setting so it is best to start on Veteran difficulty. Before you begin make sure you have a list of all the Death Card locations (or see the videos on the forum) so that you can find them as you go along. This is not vital but it will help keep the number of replays to a minimum. Also, be aware that each level has a specific task associated with it (i.e. downing planes on the Blackcats mission). You can try to get these as you go along but it may be worth leaving them for now. You should also try to complete a level on Veteran without dying; the easiest of which is 'Blood and Iron' as you can often retreat from enemies and fire upon them from a distance without them shooting back. If you get hit just retreat and heal then move forward. Take your time with each level and you should be fine, doing this will net you all of the level completion achievements as well as the two game completion ones.

Step #2: Individual level achievements
Now that you have cleared the game you can just select the specific levels to finish off any tasks you missed. The benefit of this is that you can change the difficulty to recruit and make your life a lot easier. I would recommend this method for the following achievements in particular: Gunslinger, Ruthless, Sum of all Zeros, Rough Economy and Kamikaze (requires at least Regular difficulty). You can also go back into individual levels to find any Death Cards you may have missed – as soon as you pick up the card you can just Save and Quit then move onto the next level.

Step #3: Online
The online achievements (barring the zero point ones) are really easy and can be done at any point. Just playing and completing (i.e. reaching the end of the level) a Competitive and Co-operative campaign game will get you most of the points. You can’t do either of these in local play but you can just create a match on Semper Fi (the first and shortest level) then wait for someone to join as you only need two people. For the Competitive win you will need to have at least four players AND finish with the best score in the game. I would suggest finding 3 boosting partners to make things easier.

Step #4: Nazi Zombies
There are a total of 20 Nazi Zombie achievements worth 500. 10 achievements are on Shi No Numa (Map Pack 2) and 10 achievements are on Der Reise (Map Pack 3). Again, to get the additional 500, you must have Map Pack 2 and Map Pack 3. The only achievements you may have a hard time on are Big Baller and possibly Perkoholics Anonymous, the rest are pretty easy. All of them can be done solo or co-op, but co-op is obviously easier. All of them can be done offline or online.

The Veteran mode is pretty tough but not insurmountable and playing through it will net you pretty much everything on offer. You can then just level select to finish off any of the mission specific tasks and the online achievements can be polished off in about an hour if you have some partners. The Nazi Zombie achievements can be done in a few hours if you can find some good co-op partners to play with. A fairly straightforward list.

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